What is it?
Happy Tuesday! This week we are talking about a type of paint that doesn't often get a lot of attention-- gouache! Pronounced "gwosh," this type of paint is an opaque, water-soluble medium that has some of the qualities of both watercolor ...
What is it?
Painting in miniature is more than just painting a small work. The word "miniature" originally came from a Latin term for the red pigment that was used in the creation of illuminated manuscripts. Because the decoration and illustration in ...
What is it?
The topic of today's post is a medium that many folks (and certainly anyone who had a childhood art class!) are familiar with: watercolor. One of the very oldest types of paint, watercolor consists of pigments suspended in a water-soluble ...
What is it?
Today's featured technique is the dry brush technique. Like last week's technique, the multi-loaded brush, this technique deals with the way that the artist loads their brush before applying it to the canvas. With the dry brush technique, ...