First of all, we wanted to send a big THANK YOU to everyone, both artists and art lovers, who came out to join us for the opening of our still life invitational, “The Language of Objects” this past Friday evening! We love the variety of folks that this kind of group show brings together, and a still life show in particular can spark some wonderful conversations! From an electric mixer to a pile of sponges, from Twinkies to pears, from flowers to vegetables, we certainly had an intriguing mix of subject matter present as well as a wide array of painting styles to enjoy. To check out the whole show online, visit our website here!
And we’d like to extend another thank you to all those who joined us the following afternoon for the live painting demonstrations, as well as Elizabeth Floyd, Gavin Glakas, and Jorge Alberto for being amazing enough to paint live for all of us! It was such a treat to get to watch three different painting styles bring a variety of subject matter to life.
If you’re interested in attending our opening receptions and other events like live painting demonstrations, make sure you follow us on social media and sign up for our newsletters to receive reminders of all of these fantastic events! Just send us a message at and we’ll add you to the list!